Uncovering Confidence
Here’s what I believe:
We were all born with an understanding of our own worth=confidence.
As we experience life, we begin to take on external messages.
Dependent on our experiences in early childhood, our self image is externalized.
In other words, it went from internalized to externalized.
For some, this was lovely as others confirmed how amazing we were/are and how to express that self love in the most generous way.
However, for most of us, we were exposed on varying levels to expressions of self love that really didn’t or don’t serve us.
I would like to suggest that we each have the opportunity to re-discover or uncover the truth about ourselves.
To do so, we must get curious about our story {or beliefs}, compassionate about our exposures and willing to learn new ways to express self love in a more inherent way.
This is a process. But, the actual embracing of the truth is only one enlightened thought away. Some find that thought quickly and for others it takes patience in the uncovering.
Here are some questions you can begin to ask yourself:
What do I believe about myself?
How did my parents’ reaction to my behaviors shape my current self belief?
What messages am I believing to be true?
What do I believe makes me a “good” person?
What do I WANT to believe about myself?
I would be happy to help you discover current beliefs that may be keeping you back more than you ever imagined.
I heard a statement today that rang true for me:
Love is spiritual. Expression of love is human.—Britt Lefkoe
I believe this is so evident in self love and the expression of that love.
Next week I will write about how to believe thoughts you don’t yet believe, but wish you did.
And from my former pep club days:
Yes, I do!
I believe in you!!
If you are interested in having me explore some of these truths with you, go to my Home page and click on “schedule a session”, then click on FREE consult. I would be honored to help you.