The Power of Finding Your Truth

I have alluded in recent blog posts about becoming your truest self; this has been an ongoing quest for me. I feel like a near obsession. I grew up in a family with six siblings, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. For some reason, it was always important for me to find what made me unique. But as I was concluding one of my recent posts, the thought occurred to me that while the concept of “true self” resonates with me, the concept might not be universal. This thought then led to my mapping out a blog post series on the power of finding your truth.

The book that came to mind as a primary text is one I have referenced for years. It is a gem of a book, quite short but packed with wisdom. The copyright says 1902. I love the above quote which is the first sentence in the book. The word power can be defined as the ability to bring about change. So, if truth is the rock foundation of great character and power is the ability to bring about change then finding your own personal and unique power of truth would essentially be your ticket {or map} to navigating changes in your life.

And by changes, I mean those circumstances that come our way that we do not control as well as those changes that we bring about voluntarily. I know, for me, the times I have felt most desperate is when I have felt powerless. If we are sure about our own truth, we really can never have our power entirely taken from us.

So, how do we find this personal truth. Let’s go back to the quote above.

  1. Loyalty to the right as we see it.

  2. Courageous living of our lives in harmony with our ideals.

In order to be loyal to our right, we must look inside ourselves and really decide what feels true {or right} to us. I have always loved this second quote from The Power of Truth.

The thing I love about this quote is the idea that truth can come from places you may not expect to find it. I do believe that it is important to keep our understanding of truth evolving. The way to do so and stay anchored while doing so is to become acutely in tune with your own personal feelings and insights.

Some people label truths as core values or even priorities. Basically, it is what drives you in the most fundamental and important areas of your life and understanding. If you still are unsure of what you would consider your truths, I would suggest thinking of times that you felt compelled to stick with a strong conviction. Others might not have agreed but you knew it was what felt right for you.

I am a religious person. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Our theology teaches that we have the Holy Ghost available to teach us of all truth. We can be prompted by the Holy Ghost when something is true. Promptings come to individuals in ways that are unique to them. Some people feel a burning sensation in their heart or chest. Others feel chills or tingling; still others feel their heart pounding; whatever the physical sensations, the conviction is universal and undeniable.

I am very grateful that I was taught the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ from the time I was a young child. That being said, I have not had every concept or construct taught to me confirmed by the Holy Ghost. I have had several primary truths confirmed to me in ways that I can not dispute and these fundamental truths are those that I hold fast to.

Recently I have come to appreciate the fact that I believe the divinity in each of us {the Hold Ghost} is available to us on the daily. Can you imagine the affect this truth can have on the way we trust ourselves? Trusting not just ourselves but God+us.

I realize that this post has been very theoretical; I usually like to provide action steps for you but this concept is so personal that I am not sure my steps would work for you. I will offer these three:

  1. Take some time to reflect on ideas or concepts that you have been exposed to.

  2. Which of these ideas feel most valid/solid and true in your heart?

  3. Once you have established your truth: even if it is one basic thought, then we can move on to the application piece of living in alignment to your truth.

Next week we will move into the application of living in your truth.

All my best to you as you take time to explore this week. This internal work is exactly the key to setting yourself up for creating the external life of your dreams. promise.


Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

The Power of Finding Your Truth Part II


It is about Becoming.