Sometimes you just get stuck!
Totally thought I could do this…me and my Rav.
Winter 2016. We had recently {well two year previous} moved from San Diego, CA to Alpine, UT. It was an adjustment. I’ll talk about that sometime. maybe. I was headed out on some important quest; probably to the grocery store. Anyway, our sidewalk had been cleared. The snow plow had been by several times to clear the streets. I thought, “My Rav4 and I…we’ll be fine getting out of the driveway and over the large mound of snow left behind by said snowplow.”
I was wrong.
As soon as I hit the end of the driveway I knew I was in over my head {or wheel base}. I tried the whole forward and back thing. Reverse: gun it. Drive: gun it. Nothing.
Conceptually, you are supposed to be able to go back and forth and somehow get unstuck. None of this was working. I am not exaggerating when I say that within moments of my finding myself snow-banked, neighbors from all directions came to my rescue, shovels in hand. It was almost as if they had been waiting; looking out their windows on the ready for the next needy neighbor.
Getting stuck. It happens. I started thinking about this as recently a few of my clients have thanked me for getting them “unstuck”.
Stuck is not a comfortable position to find yourself in. And it is often difficult, if not impossible, to get unstuck without assistance. When you realize you are stuck, it is a sinking feeling. For me it was…”I can’t believe I thought I could just drive through that snow bank!” I guess I was wrong. Other people seemed to realize I was stuck almost before I did and they knew exactly what to do. It took some work but within several minutes I was back on my way.
Being stuck might look like this:
Just can not get yourself to do what you know you need to do.
Going over and over in your mind a certain political argument or public stand and wondering why? or how? could anyone see the truth differently than you
Every time a certain situation arises, you react or respond in a way you do not want to
Keep telling yourself you don’t know what to do
Feel subject to other’s choices
Usually in these situations you have tried going forward and back. Back and forth. Nothing is getting you where you desire. Sometimes feels like spinning. {Kind of like my tires}
At this point, you may benefit, as my clients have, from someone else’s perspective. I would be happy to bring my shovel and help get you unstuck.
I am super excited about my coaching offers going on right now! I will be launching new cycles of my two courses: Go The Distance and Own Your Life in 10 Weeks January 2022. I can’t imagine a better gift to give yourself than the assistance you need to become unstuck over and over again in all aspects of your life.
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