Do I look alright?
Well obvs I look fab!!
I have been reading a lot recently about social media and how it has made us all so focused on appearances. I definitely agree that looking at perfect people all day does tend to send messages to my brain that are not always too positive.
Enter Cassie Jane: my adorably perfect 1st grand daughter. This may be my all time favorite pic…everrr! (Although TBH, whenever I get a new pic of her I may have the same thought:) This pic makes me want to say YAS!! You are so adorable. I mean…look at the sideward glance…she most definitely loves what she sees! When I grow up (or at least my self image matures) I want to look at myself in the mirror with similar adoration.
So…I grew up sans social media. Where did my self image concerns come from??
Me and my peers circa 1970 ish…
Here I am at roughly age 6 at a church Christmas party. I still remember the words to this song. I found the pic recently and the words came flooding to my mind:
Are my ears on straight?
Is my nose in place?
Do I have a cute expression on my face?
Are my blue eyes bright?
Do I look alright to be taken on Christmas Day?
If you want to be totally creeped out…watch the youtube..OMG! Too fun not to add, but I digress.
The next verse..
Christmas Eve is drawing nearer and I’m getting scared.
Wish I could see in a mirror how I’ve been prepared….
I realize this is an innocent (and disturbing) song about a doll. But honest, what message does it send? Everything has to be just right in order to be acceptable and loved on Christmas? Blasphemy! I say!!
If we were all to just take a few steps back and honestly realize how RIDICULOUS it is to look to media, your next door neighbor or even your most significant other for validation whether we “look alright”. Sister! Let me tell you…If you believe you look alright that is ALL that matters! And…guess what…you do! You know how I know? Because what you look like….is what you look like and God makes no mistakes!!
From the beginning of time. Someone. Somewhere decided what “looking alright” meant. And it has meant different things in different times. For certain our ability to compare and contrast ourselves with others has exponentially increased with the introduction of hand held devices containing multiple forums for us to view images of people 24/7. I have heard the suggestion to go find larger figured women to follow on IG and FB; to make sure you see diversity in your feed. While that may not be a bad idea. I say….separate yourself from what others think. I mean…divorce yourself. What you think is all that matters and I suggest that is between you and your creator. I honestly believe that if you listen to Him (or Her) you will know within your heart that you not only are alright but you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!
Now…scroll back up to the top of my post and look at sweet Cassie Jane. Go give yourself a mirror wink. You deserve it. Love on yourself. It makes it so much easier to love on all the other humans!
If you would like to talk to me more about your life and how things are working out for ya….go sign up for a free consult. I have a program just for you! xo