Where’s the switch?
Getting the results that you want could be as easy as finding the switch! (hint: it’s a three-way switch)
I remember talking with a friend about the fact that when we were in “the weightloss groove”, it wasn’t hard to eat healthy. But then for some odd reason, we would bump out of the groove and it seemed so hard to get back on track. I remember thinking…it’s like there is a switch in my brain and if I could just find it…
Well, I have been thinking a LOT lately about that switch. And guess what?? I think I have found it!
The switch, my friends, is available to you when three things are in alignment:
Your thinking about the switch
Your feelings or emotions about the switch
The actions or inactions you are willing to adopt around the switch
For example, if we go back to the weight loss application. If you are thinking…I REALLY want to lose weight, but your feelings are frustration or exhaustion then likely you are not going to take actions that would cause you to be able to access the switch. However, consider if your thought was I know how to lose weight. I have done it before; then you could access a feeling of confidence or commitment which feelings actually DO drive you to take the actions consistent with weight loss.
Think about an area in your life where you are not (yet) getting the results you want. Consider your thinking (or self talk) around the area of concern. Next consider how you are feeling about said concern and, of course, what are you doing or not doing in relation to the area of focus. Ask yourself WHY? at every consideration point. Don’t judge yourself for any of it but just look at it in a curious way like you would for a friend. Show your brain…which of the three is out of alignment with getting the results you are after.
Oftentimes we work only on our actions to get results and this is definitely important, but for longterm success it is imperative to consider the motivation of those actions. Positive thinking drives positive emotions leading us to the actions that will get us the results.
Three-way switch.
Give it a try. If you’d like some help discovering how this could work for you, feel free to sign up for a mini session with me and let’s talk.