Divine Creator, yes you!
Years ago one of my sons was sharing some of his strong feelings about teachings of the church that we both belonged to at the time. He made some pretty solid points and was having a lot of questions about doctrines and cultures within our faith. Many of our “discussions” were pretty spirited, on his end. I usually just listened. One day he said to me, “Mom, you always just sit and listen and even seem to understand what I am saying, but what do you think?” I said to him, “You want to know what I believe?” I knew this was an opportunity for me to really get to the very heart of what I knew to be true. I told him that I believe that every living thing has been created by a Divine being and that we each have a thread of that divinity running through us. He looked at me and said, “We’re not that different.”
See, I believe that when we are speaking {or expressing} from that very center of our beliefs we are able to make a connection to others through our shared divine thread. This explains the experience of witnessing a masterful performance and feeling moved. Something is awakened inside our souls as our divine has recognized the divine shared with us. The human connection is magical and real all at the same time. It can not be explained intellectually and yet the feelings, once experienced, are difficult to deny.
The quote above was self confirming when I came across it, as I too believe that the divinity that is within us is ultimately what will shape our outcomes, if we allow it to do so.
But how does one go about connecting with such a powerful source? My answer would be, LIVE! And I don’t mean just go through your day to day with your head down and grinding out yet another day at the office, driving kids around or doing whatever it is you are involved in. I mean YES to all of those things but with an open heart and mind; taking in all around you and looking for opportunities where you feel that connection. You may not be in the career of your dreams, but I bet in nearly every day there is a moment that you feel alive, connected, guided or inspired. Grab on to those as those are your teaching/starting points.
I mentioned our Divine creator. I would like to suggest that part of connecting with our divine thread is discovering what creative tools we have been given by our Divine creator. This is not just for the commissioned musician or artist; no, this is for every human being. Think of people you love to be around, those who just make you feel accepted and understood. They, likely have connected to part of their Divine thread. I have witnessed threads consisting of empathy, positive thinking, discovery, organization, humor, facilitators, problem solvers, ability to see others’ potential etc etc. The list being as long as there are individuals.
Recently I was asked what my favorite part of being a mother was and my answer was the discovery of what made each of my boys individual. I loved watching them find their unique characteristics. And this is not to say that as we take on this quest of personal discovery that everything we find is going to look like a lovely trait to develop. On the contrary. Because we are all humans {remember the Divine currently is a mere thread} there will be a lot we discover that isn’t something that feels like celebrating. However, those are the areas where strength is required and built.
I grew up with a mother who loved a good agenda. I mean we had an agenda for family meetings, for church meetings for vacations etc. Part of my mom’s agenda for her children was that we would learn to play the piano. My mother and her agenda were/are not up for debate. So, I took piano lessons from the time I was 8 until I was 17ish, I still can not play the piano, much at all. Although I would like to re-visit this at some point. But…I am getting off track, I remember one of my piano teachers…and I had plenty…I think I can count at least four or five. My mom thinking that is must be the teacher…{it was not.} Anyway, Miss Jenny said to me one day, “Kithy dear, some people are naturally musically inclined and the piano comes very easily for them. You are not one of those people.” Even my 15 year old mind knew this was something that probably should never be uttered by a piano teacher but you know what? I think she was correct. Does this mean I could never learn to play the piano? No. But I do believe playing the piano was not something that was woven into my thread.
Sometimes it is tempting to look at what others are sharing with the world and think that we need to do something similar, and sometimes that is an okay place to begin to discover what may or may not work for us. What I would like to suggest is that we look inside to find what will be most natural for us to pursue, develop and eventually create and share with the world. Think of life as one big potluck where everyone brings their signature dish with a secret recipe…how amazing would that party be to attend?
Brene Brown {did you really think I could get through a post without referencing BB?} stated in a recent podcast that she doesn’t believe there are creative people and not creative people. She believes that to be human is to be creative. She also went on to suggest that if our creativity goes unused that it will metastasize and turn into anger or hurt or grief. I also believe this to be true. Often when we find ourselves angry at the world, others around us, or our circumstances what is truly at the root of those expressions is unfulfilled self discovery and expression.
Do NOT get discouraged when not all of your attempts are successful or representative of creative genius. Afterall, not all paintings are art. A famous Leonardo Da Vinci quote: “Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.” I love the converse truth represented by this quote that art is created as the spirit works through the hand.
And now for my BIG FINISH. Each of us has been given this gift of life, how are you going to intentionally design yours? What recipe are you bringing to share? I’d love to help you discover just that. If you would like help working your way through this crazy life party, click on the button below and let’s talk.
In the meantime, here are some actionable steps…start HERE:
Good luck creating, my friends!