Active Life Coaching
Have you tried it?…let’s go!
Today I was thinking about what topic I could blog about that would be most helpful for potential clients who are looking for the help that they need in their lives. And, since it is OPEN ENROLLMENT week I thought what better topic than to share with you what I have found to be the most helpful tool in my life and in the life of my clients: Active Life Coaching.
I have said before that I started active life coaching before I knew it was a thing. Back in 2003 when Nancy suggested we start running together in Walnut Creek, CA little did I know that together we would be able to solve all of life’s problems and challenges. Fast forward to many other neighborhoods in multiple states and everywhere I lived, I found women who also liked the idea of active life coaching. It was Angie, on the paved trails of Draper, UT who told me about Jody Moore and her life coaching…this led me to discover Jody’s mentor: Brooke Castillo and the Life Coach School. I knew right away that I wanted to go through certification to become a life coach. I mean…without the training I had been able to cover a LOT of miles and make amazing friends. I had been coached as many times as I had been the coach, for sure. I could only imagine how many women I could help if I was actually trained to do so.
I learned so much in my training! I learned invaluable tools to share in my client sessions; I learned about how our brains work; I learned about the amazing potential that we each have because of this incredible brain of ours. All of those truths were somewhat expected and predictable in the training, what I didn’t expect to learn was how to love all of the humans; what that would or could even look like. I learned that each of us is worthy no matter what. I learned to let go of judgement, first for self and then {much more} easily for others. I also learned that I {as a coach} will never have the answers for my clients, but that all of my clients do! It is my job, as their coach, to help them first believe this and second to discover their answers for themselves. I see this as a privilege and honor to facilitate such a transformation.
The more active life coaching I do, the more I am certain that this is the work I am passionate about. I mean, it REALLY works! I have listed above the top reasons that I believe in the magic of movement+coaching. I actually can direct you to scientific research that backs up my points. The more I learn, the more I understand why it works. Recently I was listening to a podcast interview with Dr. Amishi Jha, a neuroscientist who has spent her life work researching attention and how it affects our quality of life. Her work is centered around the ability we have to train our brain in how to direct our attention. She pointed out that it is impossible to “quiet our brains”. She also mentioned that doing a repetitive action such as walking {or running} allows us to eliminate mind wandering and allows us to have the capacity for spontaneous thought which leads to creativity. This was the most recent answer for me as to “why” active coaching is so effective: the movement {eliminates mind wandering} + life discussing allows for {spontaneous thought}= Life transformative ideas. These ideas provide the fuel for empowering us to take the actions necessary to bring to pass desired results.
I have an idea…why not come find out what I am talking about and give active life coaching a try, click on the button below and let’s set up a consultation.