Consuming vs. Creating

For several years my mom, four sisters and I would attend an annual women’s conference. The conference consisted of two days packed full of listening to inspirational speakers.

To be honest, I went to hang with my female family. The talks were good. Here was the frustrating part to me though…we would sit down and listen to someone’s heartfelt story; we would be moved emotionally and then we would go find the next classroom and listen to the next, selected, thought-provoking speech. The frustration for me was….so what? I mean…what am I going to do with this information? How is my life going to change be different/feel different?

In my ideal scenario we would have listened to a speaker and then broken up into small groups and discussed the ideas and concepts and worked together on ideas for application. That would have made the speech listening worth something besides just the consumption of heart candy.

Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School differentiates between consuming and creation. Consuming happens when we take in information whether it be podcast, speech, reading a book or talking with someone. The creation happens when we put our own mind to work and produce something from our thoughts; for me the application of ideas and also the discovery of original ones happens during this creative process.

Presently there is an overwhelming abundance of information available for consumption. I would challenge us to also spend time in creation and application of the ideas we deem as most beneficial to our lives.

Life coaching, when done in its purist form, will facilitate this process.

If you would like me to help you move from a consumer of ideas to one who becomes aware of her own…let’s talk.

Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

Movement, Learning and Brain Science


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