Movement, Learning and Brain Science

It seems that what I have suspected for sometime has a LOT of research behind it. Our brains work better with movement! I know this to be true. Some of THE BEST ideas, thoughts, connections, goal setting etc have come to me during or immediately after a good run. I decided to do a bit of research so that I could link some experts here for you:

Currently, the MEDLINE database shows more than 33,000 scientific articles on the topic of exercise, and the vast majority of them confirm its value. One study showed that people who exercise have far more cortical mass than those who don't (Anderson, Eckburg, & Relucio, 2002). Simple biology supports an obvious link between movement and learning. Oxygen is essential for brain function, and enhanced blood flow increases the amount of oxygen transported to the brain. Physical activity is a reliable way to increase blood flow, and hence oxygen, to the brain. [Eric Jensen, former teacher and current member of The Society for Neuroscience, Teaching With The brain In Mind, Chapter 6: Movement and Learning]

Jensen goes on to explain that the cerebellum, which is about the size of your fist, takes up only 1/10 of the volume of the brain, but is responsible for about half of its neurons. Studies have shown the amazing, but not surprising, truth that this part of the brain that processes movement is also responsible for learning.

Another study which followed adults >60 years was published in March of 2020 in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience and confirms the relationship between executive function and physical fitness, particularly between working memory, cardiorespiratory fitness, and dynamic balance.

So…I love a bit of research to confirm what I have seen clinically (or rather on the trails, road etc) and that is…if we move more, we are able to think more clearly, make cognitive connections for our lives which translates to coming up with solutions to get the results we are after.

Now you know why I am so jazzed about being an ACTIVE Life coach! The benefits are amazing…let’s get moving, learning and feeling better!

If this is interesting to you, let’s give it a try! Fist 30 minute session is free.

Click on the home page and follow the link to sign up for your first session…or you can

Email me at and we can set up you initial session.

Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

Dad Lesson: Fitness and Longevity


Consuming vs. Creating