Be Your Own First Responder

Was interacting in a FB group recently and someone mentioned a friendship where the person posting was complaining that a certain friend is never there for her. Whereas the woman posting felt she had gone to great lengths to make herself available to this friend.

I get it. I do. It is hard to always be THAT one.

Who knows what else is going on for the mentioned friend...

We would all do well to be trained {and ready} to be our own first responder. To seek first within ourselves for the support we need; whether that be understanding, a listening ear, prayers or strengthened faith.

I completely understand the support that can be gained by others, but what if our "other" is not available for us?

I know where you are going, my Christian friends and I agree...there is one who is ALWAYS available to us. However, we must be in a state of personal preparation that allows us to connect with Him.

What does being your own first responder look like?

When you come across intense feelings that rattle you:

1) Take a deep breath. And remind yourself you are human and this emotions are part of life on earth.

2) Come from a place of understanding for yourself and the situation you are in.

3) Get curious about your feelings and let them sit and stay if they must, or feel them in your body and dismiss them.

4) Tell yourself that you know you can deal with this because it is a feeling and you have dealt with many before.

5) Work through the emotions and the situation using your own insights and understandings first+enlightenment from your Divine self.

6)If you feel you need back up, call on someone close who is supportive and trust worthy. {Work on having several options in your FRIENDAID kit.}

This may seem far off for some; this ability to be so emotionally independent. This is the goal that I have for each of my clients. I am so honored to be there for them but what I really want to help them see is that they are their own number ONE. I would like this for you too. If you would like help getting there, let’s chat.


Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

If You’re {not} Happy And You Know That


Belonging+Self Acceptance