As a Woman Thinketh Part II

I love this powerful quote by James Allen from his book, As A Man Thinketh. Hopefully, you have had a chance to become more aware of your thoughts. If you are not sure how to start doing so, go back to my last blog post As A Woman Thinketh Part I. After you have created a heightened level of self awareness, you are ready to become more intentional with your thinking. And why? do we want to do so? Exactly because of the quote above…to be able to get the results we desire. To be intentional in our life outcomes, we must first be intentional in our thoughts.

Often times my clients are unsure where to start working on their life. They know that they would like to make improvements but not sure where to begin. I have had a few clients unsure of what they really want out of life. I would say look at your P.I.E.R. construct:physical, intellectual, emotional/spiritual, and relationships.


  • Do you like how you present yourself physically?

  • How are you fueling your body?

  • How do you intentionally move your body?


  • What quality of information are you taking into your mind through conversation, podcasts, social media?

  • What are you reading/studying?

  • How do you choose to challenge yourself intellectually?


  • Are you capable of experiencing all range of emotions?

  • How do you react to negative experiences?

  • Do you have hope?

  • Do you feel connected to God?


  • Do you have a strong sense of self?

  • Are you showing up in your relationships the way you would like to?

  • Are your current relationships a source of positive energy for you?

Looking at your life and results is not intended to be overwhelming but enlightening. And remember, as you become more aware of your thoughts and then are able to choose intentional thoughts then you will begin to see the results as you choose them to be. The crazy thing is, if your results are NOT what you want them to be…whether you can see it or not—that is your choosing as well.

Your thoughts=Your results.

Part III next week we will get example specific so that you can see how this is true in your life. I will share how I have discovered it is in mine.

Want to dig deeper into this truth? schedule a FREE consult and I can explain to you how YOU can get the results you desire. I believe in you!


Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

Embracing You: What does that look like?


As A Woman Thinketh Part I