As A Woman Thinketh Part I
If you prefer to start with the Holy Book quote: Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Feel free. Same sentiment.
I have not been one to be offended by the use of “man” to represent mankind and thus woman and man in the written word, however, I have found in the quotes I have chosen specifically today that there was definitely a shift of personal empowerment for me as I changed the pronouns to those that resonate most with me. Perhaps I have just come across the reason for the pronoun movement, who knew? Maybe I will look into that. Maybe later.
For today, I would really, really like to implore you to consider the power of your thoughts. I mean, really. Our thoughts are both our limitations as well as the fuel for bringing our dreams to reality. And here is the thing: most of us don’t even pay attention to them, ever. Which is like saying, you really hope to make the most delicious meal but are going to pay zero attention to what ingredients you throw into the pot.
I intend to give you a simple tool to begin your examination of the spices you are adding to your life soup. The tool I would like to introduce today is one you may have heard others allude to. It is definitely not an original of mine, for sure. This tool is a “thought download”. When I sat down to conduct my first thought download it felt akin to my yoga teacher telling me to just “be present”. What? How do I do this you speak of? What do you mean write down the thoughts in my head? We are {I was} so programmed to think of only the things we DO rather than the thoughts we think that my elementary version of a thought download consisted of a “to do” list and that’s an okay place to start. Here are some other prompts to get you going:
Pick one of the prompts and just start writing, or typing.
At first it is going to feel awkward like a new exercise move created by the instructor at the gym. You’ll be thinking, “Yeah, you are crazy and this is totally not me.” But, just like that new move at the gym, you are going to get better and better at it. You might even grow some muscles and then figure out a way to use those muscles to your advantage. Wondering where that new move at the gym metaphor came from? two words: DONKEY KICKS. I am not kidding you, here I am in a class at the gym which normally includes push ups, burpees and the like and her she goes throwing out donkey kicks. For sure amusing:)
The first step is {always} self awareness. As you bring those thoughts to your conscious brain…as you start to look at the labels on the spices going into your life soup, you will begin to better understand the flavors that are coming up for you; this is so powerful! Sometimes it is downright disgusting what you uncover and sometimes it is better than you could have ever imagined. is important to look at and to learn from. Because it is your thoughts {I promise} that are responsible for who and where you find yourself today. Do not despair, my friend. You also get to take credit for all of your awesomeness. {Well, you and your creator, of course…different post}
It is completely okay if your head is spinning and your first reaction is to quickly click out of this post because it is waaaay too uncomfortable. I totally get that! Most people hate running their first try or lifting weights or…you name it. But the good news is…Cue James Allen quote:
Insert “intentional for right”
Look for Part II in the As A Woman Thinketh Series next week.
If you would like help looking at your thoughts. That would be my specialty and I would be so happy to help you.
Click on the button below, it will open up my scheduler app, click on FREE consult and pick a day and time that works for you.
Can’t wait to think with you!