You Will Find Your Step
This morning as I was running a familiar route that has three creek crossings along the way, I realized something.
I used to be quite hesitant when I came to the creek crossings. I would think about which route to take: the logs or the rocks or maybe try to hop it all together. Plenty of times one foot would land in the water and I would run home sloshing in my shoe. I tried to not make that mean anything and just take it as part of trail running.
But today I noticed: without really knowing when it happened, I realized that when I came upon each creek crossing, I knew exactly what to do. The first and second are now narrow enough that I can jump them easily [and I did so without a conscious thought] and the third..I have the rock steps down. 1. 2. 3.
It started me thinking about when we try something new that we are oftentimes hesitant and question ourselves. Sometimes we may even end up sloshing through but if we keep at it, before we know it, we have actually figured it out and it becomes second nature.
This can be true if you are learning a new skill such as:
Trail running
Starting a new habit, like early rising
Wanting to believe something new like…”I can stick to my schedule.”
Not letting others’ actions or words affect your disposition
Bike riding, roller skating, juggling (get the idea)
Being more spontaneous
Dancing at the party
Leaning into the fun of life
Being grateful on the daily
Whatever it is you are trying that right now does not {yet} feel comfortable or natural. Give yourself time to practice over. and. over. again.
Our brains are amazing! They figure things out all of the time that we didn’t realize we had the answer to.
Want to know how I figured out the 1.2.3. rock hop over creek number three? I tried the logs and…nope! Too wobbly. I tried logs + jump…nope. missed it. The day I found the three stable rocks, I knew there would be no hesitating at the creek crossing.
Don’t let your hesitations keep you from trying. Don’t let them mean that you are “bad” at creek crossings. Don’t compare your crossings to the runners in front or behind you. Just trust yourself. Your brain. Your muscle memory. You will get there…wherever there is for you.
Keep hopping