Why Self-care? Becoming Who You Are Part I

If you are female. This weekend is self-care weekend. I give you permission. Kathleen xo

If you are female. This weekend is self-care weekend. I give you permission. Kathleen xo

Lately I have heard a lot of discussion around self-care.

What is it?

Some say manis and pedis.

Others say, “No” to the self indulgences but “Yes” to goals and aspirations.

You know what I say?

The term is self-care for a reason. And each “self” must determine in that moment, what it looks like for her (or him).

I think the WHY behind self-care is worth a look at.

Sometimes it can be as literal as: I am hungry. I need a haircut. I need to schedule an appointment to have that mole checked out.

Other times it may look like…I have been feeling _______ a lot lately. Maybe I should figure that out.

There are so many different directions that we can look when it comes to self-care.

I would like to suggest self-reflection as an importation addition to your self-care.

I honestly believe that each of us has been given a gift. Think of it as a special package with a collection of wonderful traits. The package was given to us to help us navigate our own lives, and ultimately help others.

I believe that the discovery of our gift can offer us a connection to Divinity for I believe that is where we obtained our collection of traits.

Some gifts are easily discovered because they are more traditionally displayed; the gift of musical talent or athletic ability.

Have you ever gone to an amazing performance where someone is sharing or displaying her/his gift? You feel it in your soul. I believe this occurs as the Divinity within us (call it spirit or soul) connects with the other person; gifts exchanged or appreciated.

Next time you have the opportunity to plan some self-care consider self-discovery as an expression of self-care.

Look for Part II of this post to follow tomorrow.

Happy MOTHER’S DAY weekend, my friends.

Kathleen xo

Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.


Becoming Who You Are, Part II


Key To Your Happy