Sometimes we feel stuck.
We may feel that we aren't where we "should" be.
Or we should be feeling, acting or thinking differently.
I say STOP here. {this is NOT a place to start}
That START square needs to be examined and converted from negative to positive energy.
As soon as you are able to accept where you are and really look at that space with understanding, acceptance and yes...even love--that IS IT!!
We may think that we will be happy when we get to that first red square or measureable result but I am here to tell you that if you can't first feel the love where you red square is going to get you there. No matter how flashy.
Self acceptance is not easy in a world that promotes not enoughness but it is KEY.
And the first step is looking at your start.
It is easy to become fixated on what we are certain is “the problem”.
But fixated is a negative energy and usually puts us spinning in either overwhelm or self judgement.
Tweak that energy from fixated judgement to curiosity.
Don't be afraid to poke around a bit and figure out why you are where you are.
Take the pause and REALLY answer the questions. Searching for self understanding.
After you take the time to answer the questions, you will arrive at what I consider a magical space.
START Square potential.
Often we get anxious to move ahead on the board of life but if we start moving ahead without clarity then we will likely fall back again. and again. But, the good news is…we can always START again. Each time with more clarity.
That negative vibe of judgement from falling back to the start is so familiar that it can draw us back in and put us into past patterns that do not serve us.
This is the reason for the pause before the start. {or the re-start}
Taking the time for the self reflection and to feel the understanding+love that follow.
Now you are ready to start and can do so with amazing power and potential.
Self acceptance may feel so foreign to you or may even be confused with complacency. But complacency does not come from a place of self love but from a place of inadequacy and self doubt. Self acceptance, on the other hand is rooted in truth and love.
Truth and love are the perfect fuel for lasting transformation.
Want help with finding that kind of fuel for your START-up?
I’d love to help!