HRM For Life (Part II)
My last post was about heart rate monitors, but not really. I was making more of a life analogy. I thought I’d spin out a quick follow-up for those who may have read the title and that’s it. I get it…totally me and headline reading.
Just as a HRM can keep you from getting a physical injury because your HR will spike and speak to you before the injury can occur, I would like to suggest that our feelings/emotions are our HRM for emotional health.
Let me explain. If I am running and I get alerted from my HRM that my heart rate is in a “zone” I don’t want to run in then I adjust my pace. Easy.
Similarly when we feel an emotion that we don’t want to feel. We can take a moment; look at the emotion. Is this a feeling I want to feel? This is a tiny bit more complicated than just changing your pace. Or is it?
You may be thinking…a negative emotion…why would you EVER want to feel that? Well, my friend, we are all humans and will experience the spectrum of emotions. So, sometimes…yes negative emotion is appropriate. At times I have chosen grief, disappointment, frustration and even confusion for a spell.
Negative emotions come in two types. For my running analogy…clean negative emotion= A mountainous trail run; whereas dirty negative emotion=treadmill running.
Clean negative emotion after being felt and processed, will allow you to emerge a changed (for the better) individual. Like that climb up the steep mountain…real tough but so worth the view!
Dirty negative emotion, however, will keep you spinning. Like a treadmill…you will use up a lot of energy but get nowhere. (okay…is it too obvious how I feel about treadmill running?…sorry. not sorry)
Here is the part that most people don’t naturally know. You get to control your feelings! Truth. They ALL come from your thoughts surrounding your circumstances.
So…if you are still reading…go you! Want to figure out how to process that clean pain and get to the gorgeous view?
Schedule a free consult with me. I can’t wait to chat.