Feeling Overloaded?
With just a little shaking, my newish trees go from this to that!
This morning as my husband snuck out in the wee hours to go to work he said, “Hey, keep an eye on the trees in the back. They are really weighted down with all the snow.”
Me: Snow? What snow? Seriously. It is mid October people.
After getting myself up and moving and taking the dog on his walk frolic{Least someone animal in the neighborhood is thrilled with the white stuff}, I got to the back yard and gave those droopy trees a good shaking. I may have given them a few words of encouragement as well.
A few hours later and a quick check on the trees shows {2nd pic} they are back up and looking perky. They will be just fine:)
And I got to thinking…are you feeling overloaded?
Sometimes life feels like that. Like a hit of early snow dump in October. This should NOT be happening.
Let me help you shake off some of that heavy…
Much of our load is added by our thoughts that sound like this: “It shouldn’t be this way.”
I should not have done…..
My life is supposed to…
My people are supposed to…
I feel so bad about…
Be careful not to add to your early snow dump with thoughts or judgements that just don’t help.
It is one thing to notice that life is feeling heavy.
It is then helpful to own what we are adding to our pile.
Maybe we could start by eliminating our own contributions to the intensity of our situation.
It may be time to give yourself+mindset a bit of a shake.
Rid yourself of all of those expectations or thoughts that you feel bad for feeling bad. Totally don’t need to double down on that one.
If you would like help shaking off your heavy and finding your way back to perky, let’s talk.