Convert those “What ifs” to “Good as done!”
When the email popped into my inbox announcing the 20 year anniversary of the Salt Lake City Marathon and Half Marathon. I thought to myself: What if I ran that? It'd be fun considering that is the marathon I traveled from California to run years and years ago. again. and again. and again. Then my son sent me a screenshot showing his registration.
This is my son who ran the SLC marathon when he was 13 and again when he was 14. That is 26. 2 miles folks!! Such an amazing kid!!
Last night I sat down and made this:
First page to my plan.
2nd page…to race day. Done!
Making a plan to do something that really spells out the day-to-day transfers your "what ifs" to "good as done".
I remember for my first marathon, I found a training plan online and followed it. When the plan said run 16 miles, I got up and did it. As the training progressed I was truly amazed to realize that because I told my body this is what I was doing...I was actually trained and ready to run the 26.2 miles on race day.
After I created my plan last night, I noticed that instead of feeling hesitant about the race. I started to feel excited. I'll take excited over hesitant ANY day.
I then realized that if I can create a day-to-day plan for a half marathon, why not do it for other "what ifs" in my life?
You can do this too!
The pink circles are for the days that I will run and how many miles.
The purple are things I will do to support my running like yoga and strength training.
Every week I do a long run on the weekend.
I tally up my miles for the week.
So, let's convert this to someone who finally wants to get ahead of their schedule and actually be able to accomplish all they have to do as well as what they want to do.
Set up days to accomplish the "need to dos".
Set up days and times for the "want to do".
Weekly check in on how you are doing.
Just like my running plan there will be days of low energy and lack of motivation, there may be injuries. All this is okay and having a plan that YOU made will allow YOU to decide how to intentionally face those challenges.
What is something you have successfully planned for and executed?
What did you put in place to make that happen?
Apply that same part of your brain and take one of your "what ifs" and convert that baby to "good as done!"
You've got this!
PS. I'd love to help you get to "good as done!" in any area of your life. If you are wondering how that could happen or what it would look like, click on the button below and let's have a chat.
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Find a time that works for you
That’s it! Congrats…you are on your way to “Good as done!”