Clean floors + doggies + New Beliefs
If you haven’t been introduced: meet Porter.
Today I would like to share an analogy that came to me recently as I bent down to pick up a tiny crumb that had fallen to the kitchen floor. I thought to myself, “Oh, no you don’t…!” and I picked up that crumb and threw it quickly in the trash.
Here’s the thing. I do love a clean kitchen floor. No, I REALLY value a clean kitchen floor and TBH I can totally tie this back to my childhood. {That seems to be a thing} But let me just say that when we built our home and were picking out the stain for our floor I decided to choose the stain that closest matches my dog’s hair. Why is that important? Well, if you have a dog then no explanation needed. If, however, you are not charmed with a shedding bestie in your environment let me just say that the right shade of floor is directly correlated to the allusion of cleanliness. Was that vague enough for you? If I can’t see his hair then I think the floor is clean, there…reality faced.
A bit off track, but recently I took the time to REALLY clean my floors. What does this mean…the “on your hands and knees” approach. I don’t do this too often but what I noticed after taking the time to do the deep clean, I was much more aware of the floor. I appreciated how the sunshine streaked across the grain without illuminated dust bunnies or streaks. I noticed how the clean floor felt on my bare feet. Additionally, I was aware of the slightest crumb and quickly picked it up.
Whereas, when my floor has gone days without much attention, the crumbs, the dust bunnies…they just go unnoticed….until my feet stick on something or I notice my filthy socks after walking around on said floor. At this point, there is A LOT to clean up and no longer can I get away with a spot clean. The “down on your knees” is the only answer to meet the task at hand.
Let’s move over to our beliefs. I spend a LOT of time with my clients looking at their thoughts and beliefs.
In the beginning it is pointing out the fact that they are actually having {thousands of} thoughts and how those thoughts influence everything about their experience.
Next we move on to the “why” this or that particular thought has landed for them…this is really an interesting discovery process. Sometimes, the thought comes from something they saw on social media, something they learned from their childhood, something in response to what their spouse said and the list goes on and on. While I have found it useful for my clients {and myself} to understand where or why these thoughts are being entertained, I feel like sometimes the belief feels so ingrained in their brain that to question it seems so daunting!! Kind of like a really dirty kitchen floor.
Sometimes is is necessary to get on our hands and knees and really clean up that kitchen floor…once that has been done…it may be a very long time before we have to clean on that level. Once the old belief is discovered {and cleaned up} in our brain, we can move forward with enlightened understanding and then move on to acknowledging the small crumbs or thoughts to maintain that clean floor/mind.
Picking up a few crumbs, or noticing a sneaky thought is the simple way to ensure that our floor stays clean and that we are able to act from a place of an enlightened mind.
Here is what looking at the dirty floor or old beliefs in an unproductive way may look like:
“This floor is gross! How did it get so bad!!?”
“I have always thought like this!”
“I swear I just cleaned this floor!”
“I don’t know another way to think.”
“Oh man, the time+energy to clean this floor!”
“This thought or belief comes automatically for me.”
We could argue about whether these statements are true. {None of them are} They are all just un-useful thoughts in our head.
When the floor is dirty, just get on your knees and clean that sucker. When you realize that your thoughts or beliefs are not getting you the results you want in life…clean that brain of yours out. Once you do, become aware of those thoughts and {easily} one at a time land on them or toss them out!
I am a professional brain cleaner! I help you look at your thoughts and objectively decide if they are worth keeping or should be swept away.
I’d love to help you look at your brain! And TBH I always notice {and comment} on clean floors on SM so send over pics of yours:)
One important point I want to add is that feeling bad about our not useful thoughts is as helpful as feeling surprised or bad that we have a doggie+dirty floors. Being human=dirty mind {well…not that dirty, but okay}. Living human=dirty floors. NOTHING has gone wrong here:)
For brain cleaning, click on the link below and let’s get going!
PS. Click on button, click on FREE consult, find a time that works for you:)