Cheerfulness+Relaxation…Yes, Please
I came across this quote today and knew I wanted to share it. It reminds me of the concept that confidence comes as we realize we are capable of experiencing any emotion. The combination of realizing that we are in control of our emotions and that we have the ability to decide how we react to them allows us the opportunity to be present and have an overall sense of peace, even in the dark days.
One of the very best ways to get present or in other words, widen your perspective is to get out into nature. Even if it is for a short walk. Step outside.
Photo cred: My husband. Taken on a very much needed couples hike
This hike was early morning just as the sun was rising. Our next hike was at sunset with some sprinkling rain, new trails, uncertain forks in the road and some tough talking but both were equally enjoyable. Life is like that: sometimes the going is easy, fun and nearly effortless and the next moment it can be full of challenge. The sooner we accept the fact, the more we can actually find an underlying peace or fundamental relaxation as the quote refers to.
When I posted the above pic, I had some questions come up about my Summer running attire. So, just for you, I compiled a list of my favorites. Feel free to reach out for direct links.
The skill set of being able to be present in your life with the confidence of not being overturned with difficult emotions is more valuable than anything else I offer my clients.
I would love the opportunity to share it with you!
Go to my home page, click on schedule a session and let’s have a FREE consult to talk about how I can help you find the peace you crave and deserve.