Earthing: When Life Feels Heavy
Self-proclaimed earthing week
Hello there.
I am hearing the term “earthing” coming up now and then and I am remembered of a practice that I discovered one time when life felt so very heavy.
Every task seemed impossible.
My limbs felt heavy and my heart was hiding under a thick blanket of fog.
I wasn’t sure what the future would be because the present felt impossible.
I’m not sure if it was intuitive. Probably, but I started waking up and watching the sunrise.
I was a little obsessed as I would keep my eyes peeled Eastward until the faint light transformed into the burning ball.
The source.
My source.
I started reading inspirational texts.
The Power of Truth (William Jordan)
Man’s Search For Meaning (Victor Frankl)
The Bible and other scriptural text
And I wrote.
At first I had to rely on others’ thoughts and interpretations.
But then, after many sunrises, I was able to find my own voice again.
And life was never the same for me and that was good.
Every once in awhile I am prompted to return to earthing.
And then I wonder why I ever left?
Happy self-proclaimed earthing week my friends!
This round I am adding bare feet on the earth as well as sunset viewing.