Six JMB Dental Gems/Part I
These Dental Gems were originally penned for my Dad’s funeral. I share them here in hopes that you may find them enlightening.
1. Any task is easier to perform with an assistant.
We used to tease Dad as he couldn’t hang a picture, change a light bulb, load the car for a trip or carve a turkey without an assistant.
Mom, of course, was his first choice life assistant
Dad had many skilled dental assistants through the years and I know he appreciated them immensely, I think they felt that as well.
One of the Life lessons Dad taught me as a newly trained-on-the-job dental assistant was the “Act as if” principle. One day riding home from the office with my Dad I was expressing my frustration with not knowing what to do in many situations working with him. At the time he had two very seasoned assistants who seemed to always know what to do. Dad told me that instead of thinking of what I didn’t know, just ask myself: what would an experienced dental assistant do in this situation? Act as if you already are a seasoned assistant. This “Act as if” concept has served me well in many circumstances. Instead of telling yourself you don’t know..ask yourself, what if I really did/do know what to do? This line of thinking gives your brain a place to go and something to work on whereas “I don’t know” is a brain hard stop.
2. Stay Current
Dad/Dr. Bevan as we were required to call him at work. Felt very strongly about staying current for his patients. If he had a break in his schedule, you could find him in his office studying dental journals. He took multiple CE courses every year and belonged to several different study groups that he participated with regularly. He was one of the original CRA research doctors. He was always looking for further education and to sharpen his skills.
Translated life lesson: Don’t be afraid to evolve your thinking. Make sure you are giving yourself the education and tools that you will need to stay on top of your game, whatever that may be.
3. Better for you and your patients to provide permanent restorations rather than temporary ones.
In dentistry and life don’t waste your time with things that do not last.
Crowns, inlays and implants are lasting as are memories, love and relationships.
Things, however, are like temporary crowns, they may look okay but they will never last and eventually need to be replaced.
Don’t assume that your patients do not want the more permanent solution to their problem. You can not predict what they value or can afford. It is your responsibility to educate them regarding all of their options. They may surprise you.
Life lesson: Share with those around you the treasures found in your heart. You never know who might be searching for something that you understand. If they do not appreciate your view or value what you share, no harm done. But if you choose not to share you will never know what could have been.
“THE SIX JMB DENTAL GEMS” To be continued.