Just Start Running. It’s that simple.

This is an official race photo from the Corner Canyon Half October 2021

This is my good friend and client. Look at how H A P P Y she is. AND she is running!

Now, I realize there are a handful of you saying, “But I can’t run because I have a bad _________ {fill in the blank}. I know! I get it.

But 80% of women can run without a problem. And…the number of problems running solves for women is remarkable.

  • More energy

  • Provides alone time to think and work through life challenges. Or to just be alone.

  • Provides an opportunity to socialize with other like minded women

  • Physical benefits: best calorie burn out there, significantly reduces your risk of many chronic diseases, reduced cholesterol, improved RHR, builds strong bones, strengthens muscles

  • Improved memory

  • Fewer colds/virus’

  • Get the benefit of knowing you can do something hard

  • Improved outlook

  • Increases productivity

  • Bragging rites

  • Provides a community you can interact with

I could honestly go on and on but I think you might get the idea.

For the 20% who have a legit out on the running thing, start walking fast, riding a bike or whatever other form of exercise you can challenge yourself with on the regular.

I have personally experienced the benefits of regular running for the past 20 years. And even more exciting to me is that I have been instrumental in getting so many other women running who never thought they could be runners. And why? would I do this? Because, my friend, I have been witness to life transformations over. and. over again.

I am not being dramatic when I say, “Want your life to improve in every way?”

Just start running. It’s that simple.

Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.


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