It’s Not Your Fault
I feel a bit hypocritical choosing the title I did for this post because I believe that the only way for us to make changes in our life is when we begin to be aware and to own actually what is “our fault”.
And let’s just get rid of the word “fault” right now and replace it with “story”.
So, it may not be your fault but, for now, it is your story.
There most certainly are many reasons why this is your story and each is important to explore. Some of these reasons may be out of your control as in others’ choices, an environment you find yourself in etc. But, making progress and changing your story is all about recognizing your participation in said story.
Let me give you an example. I had birthed my fourth son. We were living in Northern California in a beautiful area and in a home that I did not build. Why is that important to note? Well, I sure as heck would never have put in a full length-wall-to-wall mirror right across from the shower and soaker bath! I remember one day I realized that every time I got out of the shower, I went to great lengths to avoid the {unavoidable} full body reflection. It came to me. I was in denial that…that image was MY body. I realized that in order for me to feel better in my own skin, I must first recognize it as such. I knew that, for me, I would never be able to change that image until I owned it.
And that story continues on to my finding running+weight watchers+a tireless friend-Life Coach who all helped me change MY body. So, owning your story is in no way leaving yourself solo to solve all your own problems, but it is the first step in changing your story. It is taking leadership of your life results.
If you find yourself feeling defensive about an area of your life, you may need help finding your role in your present story. Chances are there are parts to your story that you swear to be just facts. But, holding on to this type of mindset is keeping you stuck in victim thinking which is never an empowering place to be. You may feel justified; which I suggest in this situation, to be a counterfeit to power. Power, by definition, is the ability to bring about change.
Would you like to change your present story? Would you like to take leadership of your life and your results? I would be happy to jump on a FREE consult call with you to show you how I can help you do just that!
Click on the button below and then click on FREE CONSUL in my scheduler, it will then give you options: pick your best time and let’s do this!