Massive action=You don’t quit!
Another Abby quote from her book, Wolfpack.. Love this idea. Not all of our attempts need to be successful in order for us to achieve our dreams.
In my life coach training they used the phrase “massive action”. Massive action is not what you might think…doing really big things. I mean it can encompass really major accomplishments but the kind of action I am talking about is the determination to try over and over again.
You may, in fact, have a lot of fails but your ability to win or lose is not measured by the number of attempts but rather your tenacity to try any and everything until you do succeed.
What might this look like for you?
I am a through and through leader. As in, every personality test I have ever taken has confirmed said truth. I have felt the capacity ever since I was very young. As soon as I had the opportunity to “try out” as a leader of my peers I started to do so.
I tried out for 7th grade secretary. Didn’t get elected.
I tried out for 9th grade VP. Didn’t get elected.
Sophomore class secretary. Didn’t get elected.
Senior women’s club leader. Didn’t get elected.
Member of the chorus for school plays. Did not get selected.
I DID, however, get to be in Pep Club. I think anyone willing to do the notebook, learn a cheer and pay for a uniform got that one:)
These “defeats” didn’t feel good, but also didn’t feel as bad as you might imagine. I honestly remember thinking, “these kids are so dumb! I would do such a good job!”
Once I was in the dental hygiene program, I was elected by my peers to be their class president/representative. And, I did a great job! I even earned the Allied Health Sciences Dean’s Award for leadership.
My point in telling you this is that I KNEW I would and could be a good leader. I just had to keep trying different routes in order to do so.
Your first attempt at something may work out, or it may not. You can choose to let others’ opinions determine whether or not you continue, but I believe that as you become and stay connected to your own strengths and truth that no one else’s opinion will be able to keep you down.
Another Abby quote:
Feel it burn.
Then transform Failure into your fuel.
It may feel lonely, at times, to be the only one who truly believes in you and your quest. I get that.
As a Life coach I love cheering on my clients and helping them achieve the life they know is out there for them. If you would like help picking yourself back up, click on the button below.
Let’s chat.