All Fueled Up


I drove a diesel fueled VW rabbit and later a fox back in the day. I had to learn, at an early age, the significance of the kind of fuel you put in your car. What worked for one car didn’t work for another. Now that I am driving newer cars that seem to be particular about their fuel for performance, I always choose premium grade fuel.

When I started running on the regular, I began to notice that what I had eaten the day or so before the run DID actually affect how I felt on the run. I found that sugar was easier to run through then say a really “heavy on the fat” meal. I learned that the more processed foods were, the harder it was for my body to process them. As I started marathon training, I found that the further I ran, the more picky I had to be about the fuel I was giving my body. This also was true for the shoes I wore and the clothes I wore. The more you ask of your body, the more care you need to take in order to get the results you are seeking.

As I have come to be much more aware of mindset, I realize that the thoughts and feelings we allow ourselves to focus on, are in fact, the fuel for our life results. We should not be surprised if we give our mind primarily negative thoughts to consider that we produce overall negative results. For some reason a popular assumption is that we have to beat ourselves up about where we are currently in order to motivate ourselves to improve. I would like to suggest that motivation from a negative place or a place of shame or loathing, is not the kind of motivation that will propel us to then end of the proverbial life marathon. In order to be able to obtain the highest level of performance, we need to give thought to the quality of our mind/soul fuel.

Here are a few examples:


I Can’t believe I let myself get to this point

I will never be able to do that again

I’ve always been like this

I don’t even recognize myself

It’s just who I am

It’s like I don’t have any control, it just happens


I am exactly where I am meant to be

I can do whatever I set my mind to

I am becoming a person who…

I am lovable and worthy no matter what

I get to choose what I believe about myself and others

As I become aware of my thoughts and feelings, I can control my actions

I have been working with a few clients who really (from any angle) have great lives. They have just chosen to have extraordinary lives. To make a significant change in your life is difficult to do on your own. Our brain likes to give us thoughts as if they are facts. Working with a life coach helps you see the thoughts you are focusing on that might not seem all that bad…I mean they are the fuel that has gotten you where you are. What I want to suggest is that in order to improve your life results, you must change and up-level the fuel you are filling your brain with.

So…as you are thinking of the life that you desire, be mindful of your fuel selection; fuel for both body and soul. If highest performance is your desire, I say go for the premium!


Kathleen Allen

I am an active life coach. I have the answer for multi- tasking women who feel overwhelm and can’t get ahead. Think of it as the best twofer or BOGO ever…you get to work on your physical, mental and emotional fitness all in one magic hour. I am certified through The Life Coach School.

How Do You Feel About Your Body?


Take Out the Trash