Active Life? Start here! {Part 2}
Second in two part series on Being an Active Woman for Life
Two weeks ago I started a two part blog post on Being an Active Woman for Life. These posts are designed to help you answer questions that come up when starting something new. Last post covered the WHY, WHAT, WHERE and WHEN. Today I will cover WHO, HOW, WHAT TO WEAR.
WHO?: I love that I get to write about this right now. today. Because, I was able to run with one of my favorite running partners this morning and it has been waaay too long and felt so good to reconnect as only two women can out on a run. But, the real answer to who is…you! The great thing about running, walking and hiking is that you don’t need anyone else to make it happen. There is research out there saying that you are more likely to stick to a fitness routine if you have someone else as an accountability partner. I have found that to be true. I prefer to run with a friend, but…I love that I can get out on my own as well. If I am going out solo I usually listen to music or a podcast. On the trails, I put one ear bud in and leave the other open so I can hear bikers or others I need to be aware of. The other point I wanted to make here is that I believe, as often as possible, your fitness should not include your kiddos. And specifically, stroller buddies. Going on walks with them is awesome and something I did on the regular but your fitness time, I believe, should be yours. Now, when your kids get old enough to come along on the run, that can be amazing! I have such fond memories of running with my #2 son early in the mornings when most middle schoolers were fast asleep.
HOW? Here’s the thing…if you are starting out then you are a beginner. Give yourself permission to be where you are; with running that usually means sloooooow down. So many people start out running and hate it because they don’t even consider that they could run slower with much less pain involved. A good indicator is if you can carry on a conversation, then you are at a sustainable pace. {Another good reason to have a running partner} I have had a lot of amazing runs with virtual running partners. I mean, they are running too but just not next to me; usually in a different state or time zone but still we are able to communicate and support each other. Another consideration would be to work in walk breaks to your run. If you are interested, look into the Jeff Galloway method. His concept includes finding your ideal run/walk ratio. You can go to Jeff's website to learn more.
WHAT TO WEAR? I realize that people have different reactions to the dilemma of what to wear. Some find it motivating to go buy all of the gear for their new found activity. You do you! For sure. You could be like Heather, who would roll out of bed and run in whatever she slept in the night before. Most important, people say good shoes but I say that you can run up to 3 miles in most any type of training shoe. Most important, for women, is to protect the girls. Seriously, the more endowed you are…the more important to find some good support. I would recommend a running store or search online but make sure that you are looking for the support you need. If you are smaller, you can get away with a sports bra rated for medium support but if you are large go for the higher support, you will thank me. If you need real quality, I recommend Title Nine: they have done ALL the research.
And then there’s the weather! What to wear? I will include a pretty decent guide I found online. You do not need to spend a lot of money. You can search TJ. Maxx, Ross or even Smith’s Marketplace {if you are in UT county}. Don’t let the…I have nothing to wear keep you from getting started.
Take a few minutes to review Post I and 2 in this series and you should be all set to get started on your journey to being an Active Woman for Life!
Let’s Go!